Friday, February 29, 2008


Having old brothers is cool because Brad was nice to let come to his house in the summer. That was so cool, Dave tet me come to his house to that was cool to. Dan is fun to hung out with and in the summer it was cool like when he would pick me up and drop me. Scott will let you go places with he to get stuff for Winne. Bryan will let you go with him to the mall some time. Ben is fun to play halo with him. Brett will take you place like to his friends church.Blake will let you hang out with his friend.


12-arrows said...

You are blessed to be a part of such an awesome group of guys! I know the boys love you too Brennan and enjoy your company!

amanda said...

Brennan, we loved having you out here...your brother, your nephews and me =) You are welcome to come by anytime