Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am writing a book called, " life as a cowboy"

I have 5 pages done . I am tring to get two books done in 2008. It is about a boy, his dad; his mom died by a car and his dad was going to kill the guy who killed her, but he did not because he did not want to go to jail.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

winter retreat

You get to hang out whith people for church. Their is a time for fun and a time for worship. I can not tell you how much fun I had you have to experince it.I can not get it out of my head.It was amazing.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What I Learned From Winter Retreat!

You can be the 13th disciple OF GOD. God knows if you did something bad and if you except GOD AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR HE WILL TAKE YOUR SINS AWAY. God is OUR rock if you LIE, CHEAT or STEAL, God will FORGIVE YOU IF YOU ASK. God will love you no matter what. If you walk the path of GOD he will help you with ANYTHING.